Q1 Goals Update: What I am working on in Q2

Alright folks, aka my 3 followers who actually read this blog, let's get to it and check in on my yearly goals that I set out upon for 2023. I separated out my goals into five categories to allow for growth in multiple areas of life. Over the last six years, I have focused much of my time and attention to growing my family, maintaining and growing my business and keeping the engines running, but not so much on ME. So, much of my goals and focus are on self care and growth, but of course have some for life around me.

I utilized the Cassie Scroggins goal setting template to organize my categories and my thoughts. After the first quarter of the year, I sat down to check in on where I was at and here is my report card. And what I am hoping to focus on in the next quarter!

What have I accomplished in Q1 and how:

  1. Personal: I have been using Noom to try to focus on what I have been eating and tracking water intake etc. And I have been getting into a great routine with my boxing classes.

  2. Professional: This one has been going well! Processes are finally set up, now let's see how they work...

  3. Financial: Stand Smile Repeat is on a roll and bookings are coming in more and more, still working on the second half of the marketing plan for this.

  4. Home: Minor improvements have been made here, finally fixed the kitchen ceiling, bought outdoor furniture and a few tweaks here and there.

  5. Bonus: Nothing yet here....

Overall I would give myself a solid B effort! So, now let's shift to what I am going to try to focus on in Q2.

  1. Personal: Continuing on my journey with eating better, drinking less wine and working in yoga.

  2. Professional: Making sure the processes are working. Working on some growth in content creation and influencing.

  3. Financial: Continuing to market Stand Smile Repeat... and next up the PROP SALE!!! I cannot wait!

  4. Home: Next up is the office and family room to get those done. These might roll into Q3 though since they are multiphase.

  5. Bonus: Booked a museum day on the calendar and bought tickets to two concerts in June - YAY!!

Looking forward to a full quarter 2 ahead! Would love to hear more about how others are doing with their goals.
