2023 Goals: What I am Focused on this Year

This year is the year of ME - going to be repeating this mantra daily until it sticks! After six years of simultaneously building a business, birthing three amazing children, moving and living through a pandemic, while trying to keep my sanity and keep all the balls in the air. Truthfully, its been flying by the seat of my pants most days, but not anymore. It's time to refocus on me, my personal and professional growth and development. I know with time and attention to me, that business and this little corner of my world will grow.

So, with some help from a new goal tracking from fellow influencing mama Cassie Scroggins I set out to set some goals for the year. Over the years I have learned to reign in the plans and try to keep things simple. When working with my friend Katie Wussow in the past, the greatest lesson she taught me was to keep focusing and honing in on your goals. Keeping things big and bold and surface level only ends in chaos.

I focused my goals on 4 main area this year: Personal, Professional, Financial, Home and Family. For the purposes of not boring you all to death (and potentially getting too personal), I'll give the most important and overarching goal for each category.

  1. Personal: Focus on exercise and eating better. This one is pretty straight forward. As much as I have tried to tow the line on my health and wellness it has not been a priority for a long time. I joined Noom in an effort to help hold me accountable. There is no "number" I want to be, but I want to look and feel better on the outside and inside for me and my family. Happy wife (and mama), happy life.

  2. Professional: Organization. Streamline systems, tasks, calendars and processes to be more efficient. It has been a long term goal to make sure that this happens. And I know that I am so, so close. It's just a matter of taking some real time to make this happen. We are currently using Dubsado, Asana, Planoly and Google to organize anything and everything. All work great, they just need a bit of TLC!

  3. Financial: Say it with me - multiple revenue streams. I am the kind of person that always has an iron on the fire and last year I launched two small but hopefully mighty additional services to the ECC portfolio that I look forward to taking off - Stand Smile Repeat and the ECC Prop Shop.

  4. Home: After two years, it's time to build a home. Our house was the greatest thing to come out of the pandemic, but each room is only 20% done. It's time to focus in on finishing each room, making each room a space that we as a family can feel comfortable, proud, and happy to be in each space.

  5. Bonus: More art, culture, music, concerts and shows!!

Over the next week or so, I'll be fine tuning each and a few more within each category to really focus on 2023 and making it the best it can possibly be.



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