July Thoughts: Being Busy

A few years ago, a friend of mine said "no one is busier than anyone else." At the time, it felt like a strange statement, but I respected it in the context of the conversation. However, in the last few years I have adopted the philosophy and approach to my life and to other people.

I often resent and find it irritating when people tell me “I’m so busy,” like I should be living my life less busy. But busy is how we like it around here. Is it stressful at time? Of course! But is it fun and exhilarating and entertaining at times? YES!

I have come to believe that people are as busy as they choose to be. They fill their life and their time with the things that ultimately they feel passionate about. For some that’s work, for others it’s relationships, some it’s travels, and maybe it’s with a brood of children. And for us it’s a lot a bit of all of it. We view the chaos as a life full. Patrick and I both prefer it that way.

Here is where the recent though has come in, we don’t get to judge or comment on how others fill their time. Why should we care what others “busy” looks like? I think the party line just needs to be that we’re all busy and some busier at different times and phases of their life. At times busy can be stressful for me, sure, it can be exhausting, but for me busy is a life that is full.
