April Thoughts: Morning Routines as a Working Mom

Picture this, it's a Thursday morning at 7:00 am and your alarm goes off. You went out the night before for a few drinks with friends. Work starts at 9:00 am. And you hit snooze until 8:15 am, roll out of bed, brush your teeth, and get yourself to work with zero interruption. The year for me was 2015 BC - "before children."

Oh my how things have changed. I was never a morning person, I still am not the greatest morning person! But when you have one child, or three, you become a morning person real quick. But the greatest change besides the hour of wake up, is the amount of productivity that happens in my life between the hours of 6 am - 9:30 am every day (or most days).

I have lost track of the number of times I have showed up to a wedding or photoshoot knowing that I have already had a full day of work before even starting my actual day of work. Gone are the days of rolling out of bed and grabbing breakfast on the go to arrive at work on time. My mornings now consist of dishes, feeding children and animals, dressing everyone, dishes, a quick clean up before running out the door for drop offs. It feels like it's too much and I often wonder if it's just me that runs around like that until I open up Instagram and see every mom meme every populate similar sentiments.

And where is my husband do you ask? Well, I also think that most women can sympathize that most days he still lives the above life of alarm, roll out and into work, especially since the pandemic and his office being right downstairs. It's so hard to not just get right into work mode. But we are working on this. Let's go back to "The Year of Me" and share how I am trying to prioritize working out in the morning 1-2 times a week and getting out of the house while he does the routine so that I can take the day at my own pace and not start every day running a marathon. It's often easier said than done, but we're trying.

Would love to hear how others balance the morning routine - truly something that I am always thinking about how to improve in our house.
