Hadley Anne. Month 4.

This was a good month! H is really coming into her own. She is the smiliest, happiest little lady. She is definitely my sleeper and THOSE EYES. They melt me. Every. Single. Time. 

As I promised last month, things aren’t changing much from baby one to two in terms of my their favorite things but there are a few new ones. The tambourine that got her to roll over this month, the jeans she practically lives in and the sleep sack that keeps her asleep every night (thank god). 

Per my previous post, we also have a nanny that started with us and Haddie is finally getting into a bit of a schedule… HA sortof. She is a champion napper but we are definitely trying to get her on a real three nap schedule. At night though, we are so blessed that she sleeps through the night.


She also started solids and she is way messier of an eater than her brother (or maybe I just cared less?!), but we use these silicone bibs to catch the dribbles.  Apples and butternut squash are her favorites!
