February Thoughts: Stop Complaining About Motherhood

I recently saw a series of posts, comments and stories about a women who posted something along the lines of "stop complaining about motherhood, it's a blessing to be a mother." Well, to that I say, AMEN sister! But here is the thing, motherhood can be so difficult that you need to vent and complain about it, while also being a blessing.

I have always tried very hard to be honest here and throughout my channels. I don't sugarcoat things, I try not to share information that doesn't feel real. And as a human, as a mother, that can swing from being so obsessed with my children I could cry, to feeling totally overwhelmed by juggling it all.

For me, the source of complaining has stemmed a lot from stretching myself too thin and therefor not being able to tolerate when motherhood has been hard. One philosophy that I have adopted lately comes from Hadley. This simultaneously helps me shift my mindset, and reminds me of the blessing of being her mom when she says, "It's ok mom, you just have to try your best."

I have been very candid lately about how 2023 is a refocus and shift of my mental space from growing my family, building my business and focusing on everything else and not me, to being the year of ME! So much of the last six years was coming to terms with not having time for me, and over filling my plate because I never felt like I had a minute to stop and asses, so this feeling of constantly being overwhelmed often resulted in the public complaining about my children and feeling overwhelmed by caring for them, and that is OK, because in that moment, I know I was "trying my very best."

As humans, life can be cyclical and there are so many other factors to our mental state, our physical state and the reality that we live in. Sometimes the complaining is all we have in that moment to cope with what is happening elsewhere, but the blessing of having children isn't negated by the complaining. It can be so hard for a mom, to maintain that balance and not lose yourself for a minute, a month or even a year (cue the Friends theme son), and sometimes all we can do is try our best!

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk while I cry into my wine because my kid won't put shoes on and threw a carrot at my face #blessed



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