Six Months of Rowan: Thoughts and What I Used Most

How has it been six month already with my little man?! Of my three, he truly is the smiliest and happiest baby. And honestly that is saying something because they all were. He is really starting to become his own little person and has a laugh that cures even the darkest of times.

He is starting to scoot a bit and rolls around plenty! He’s eat solids (pears are a fan favorite). And, our first tooth has arrived. You would think that these things wouldn’t be as exciting after three but they are just as!

I have gotten the question a lot about the transition from two to three and in many ways it has felt impossible, but in some it has felt easy. There were things that I have done the same as I did with the first two and others that I have tried differently. I am definitely hyper focused on the sleeping with him so we don’t end up with 3 children in our bed every morning (although not holding my breathe).

With Cannon, I used to round up our favorite things monthly, but definitely have not made time for that with Rowan. So, I am sharing just a few of my go to items for the first six months with my babiest bub, that if I ever had one more I’d buy again (which I’m not…)! 

Can’t wait for the next six! Cheers!