What I Bought While Rowan Was in the NICU
Having a baby in the NICU is an exhausting process (more on that very soon), but it's also a quiet, lonely time. You feel like the hours just drip by. So, I started stress shopping while sitting with Rowan to help me pass the time. Everything from clothes to baby things I forgot to order or was waiting to order. It was both a way to pass time but also a way to feel like I was being productive and helping him be set up for success once he came home.
Not that he NEEDED any of it… but it helped to tell myself he did! So Instagram ads and Amazon got me big time, I was a sucker. I bought a few things that were totally useless, but I did buy a few things that were worth the money and we still use.
10 Pack Magnetic Me Bundle: These onesies are a life savor when changing a diaper in the dark at night. No zippers or buttons on site to deal with.
Lansinoh Soothies: If you’ve spoken to me about breastfeeding for even just 5 minutes I likely would tell you that I cannot do it without these. Buy 1,000!!
Hatch Rest: Noise machine and light. This has been a god send. We have one for each of the kids as their noise machine and night light in their rooms and I wasn’t going to get one for Rowan just yet but I keep it by my bed and it has a clock, soft light and noise for nighttime success and so I’m not sitting in complete darkness during night time feedings.
Bottle Warmer: This was on my list but I never pulled the trigger. Since Rowan needed bottles in the beginning to help supplement, we knew we needed it within minutes of driving home.
Neck Wrap: obviously with me feeling a little more stress and getting a little less sleep, this was a must! It has also come in handy to soothe myself during feedings when we are going through a cluster.
I shared some of the other items we bought in preparation for having Rowan, but these last minute purchases have been amazing for both of us in getting settled.